Current Openings at Passavant Memorial Homes

Last Updated On: 2/5/2025

For more information on the current openings at Passavant Memorial Homes listed below,
please email

Passavant Memorial Homes takes great pride in providing homes that are tailored to each individual’s specific needs and preferences.

Please review the information to see the care that we put into each of our homes to ensure that they are designed to meet the specific needs of the individuals residing there and will be a place in which they are proud to call home. Furthermore, a listing of our current openings is provided.

If you are interested in learning more about Passavant Memorial Homes or obtain more information on a current opening, please reach out to our admissions team via email at

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View One of Our Recently Renovated Homes

The photos provided below are from a home in which PMH recently renovated into a place for the individuals residing there to call home for many years to come.

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